
Summer 2024 Project Spotlight



Q: What is this project?   

A: Production floor for large scale 3D printing.

Q: How long did this project take for the installation?   

A: Our portion was roughly 2 months.

Q: What all did United install for this project? 

A: We installed the plastic feed pipe, the vacuum lines, the extruders, the storage silos, and the chemical vapor hoods. We are also providing them with metal mesh washable filters for the hoods because the vapors coming from the melting plastic gets them to a state where they need to be cleaned much more often than anticipated.

Q: Is this a typical commercial job for United? 

A: This was a very atypical job for United, it was a bit of a risk because we actually had never done anything like this before but it ended up working out well for us as well as the client!

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